Hey blog! Just checking in from the library today. I have found that I am most productive here, but every few days I need to change location so I don't get a creative block. It is really helpful to have changing environments, but also a space that is reliable. I am so happy with myself today because I was able to complete 9 illustrations. Everything just came easier today, and I was really feeling motivated. I think it might be the rain and clouds. I know that sounds weird, but if you ask anyone that knows me, I loveeeee rainy days. Since I'm coming close to the end of illustrations I have to plan the formatting of the book. I haven't started that yet, but it is in the back of my mind. I also decided that today I will reveal my main characters name. The little girl in my book is named Sunday. I had a list of names, and just saw how different people reacted to all of the names. Sunday was the most well received. Again, I will include some pictures from todays work, so enjoy!
I am looking forward to reading Sunday's story!