Hey Blog! So I'm getting the blog up now, so I don't fall asleep without posting again. Today has been a struggle. It was a lot of new technology issues that I didn't see coming. For the beginning of the day I had to update my computer again, because apparently I still didn't have what I needed. Then it turned into me trying to connect to the school's wifi only to be denied a bunch of times. So eventually I went down to the tech office to try and resolve some of my issues. I was able to connect to the wifi, but once I got upstairs I then encountered another problem. My epub file (ie my book file) would not download to my computer. It was stressing me out a ton, and I can feel myself getting aggravated by the whole thing. I just would like things to work the way they should. Anyway I am now just going to finish writing this blog, and then head over to the theatre for the night. I will try and fix things tomorrow with tech. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. I think the only thing I am happy about today is finishing my hours. I was finally able to hit the 45 hour requirement, but I will definitley go over because of my issues today. Hope this blog wasn't to boring or just a rant (I'm reading over it and it is...). Hope to have a smoother day tomorrow. Senior Project has been great.
Total Hours 4 hours
I can't wait to see the book!