Hey blog! Today I had a lot of fun working on my project. I started my day by going to the library and setting up my space. I like to sit on one of the red couches by the window and towards the back. My goals for the day were pretty simple. I wanted to get the app to design and write my book, and create an outline for what was going to happen on every page. Nothing too detailed, I just wanted to have a basis so my mind can focus in on the book. I was super happy to finish that set goal, and also read what I had to a few close friends. I wanted to get feedback and help with characters. They were a great help. Outlining some pages proved to be tough, but some came easy. At the end I could see the length and setup of my book, it was amazing. I am so excited to keep working on it, and hopefully get some art done for the book tomorrow.
Total hours: 3 hours
Hey Sophie, I'd like to know a little more about the process you used to select the app you went with, the pros/cons of the ones you didn't choose, and then see some sample art/books you tried in each app. It would really act as a guide and give advice to others who may want to self publish. Please give more deets!