Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Day Two

Today I let myself enjoy project period, so I enjoyed a little sleep in. At around 10 I headed over to advisory just to check in with everyone. After I went over to see Alex Estin in the bookstore so we could head over to Andover Elementary and Middle School. I wanted to continue research today so I thought the best thing to do is read actual children's books. Our library at Proctor has a great selection of book, but we don't own any children's books seeing as we are a high school.

Alex and I arrived at AEMS and she introduced me to Gale who let us into the building by providing us with visitor passes.

Alex then introduced me to Christine the librarian. She was super helpful in identifying books that might cater to my subject. It was really nice speaking to her about children's books and authors. Going over to AEMS was a great idea, and I really enjoyed my time there. 

It was really awesome seeing all new children's books that I never read like Flora and the Flamingo, but also reading classics like Where the Wild Things Are.

I also found a really amazing book called, Grace for President. I really enjoyed the art style and the message in the book. It was also great seeing some positive representation for little girls.
Today was really cool and I can't wait to start brainstorming my own story tomorrow. Looking at all of these books was inspirational and has motivated me to keep thinking about my own book!

Total Hours: 1 1/2 Hours


  1. I am looking forward to seeing your story develop.

  2. Looks like some fun and inspirational research!

  3. Hey Sophie, it would be a neat mind map to see how or if specific books lead to specific brainstorms or inspirations for you. Did these three strike you in particular, and how? will they be reflected in your book/art/story? how? share where you can without revealing too much :-)
